19th January 2025

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RTC Business Networking Events

Rushden Business Networking Event - 3rd November 2022

We would like to invite you to our second business networking event on Thursday 3rd November, at Rushden Hall, starting at 6:00pm. As well as networking opportunities, there will also be a presentation of the town's new Design Code and updated Neighbourhood Plan, by Troy Planning & Design.

Neighborhood planning is a way for communities to have a say in the future of the places where they live and work. This event will be an opportunity for businesses in Rushden to share their views on our town-wide initiatives and proposals to help build a vision for Rushden.

The Rushden Design Code is guided by a Design Vision and a set of strategies that are being developed through community engagement and build on the Rushden Neighbourhood Plan, which seeks to improve the town and overall environment by providing green open spaces, preserving the town's important heritage, biodiversity assets and ensuring the town is an attractive place to live and work.

We would be pleased if you could join us for a complimentary Pizza and Peroni, an interesting presentation and the chance to network with other Rushden businesses. Please register your interest to attend by contacting us on info@rushdentowncouncil.gov.uk or 01933 316216

Last year the new unitary authority, North Northamptonshire Council, came into being replacing our County and District Councils. As a result, we have recognized the importance of engaging with our local businesses within Rushden. To assist our community where we can within this new structure.

We have already developed a Business App, with over 600 Rushden businesses and organizations listed. Rushden has a thriving business community, which we are keen to promote, however we can.


"Just wanted to say thank you for inviting me and putting on an amazing breakfast!

"I had the opportunity to mix with lots of people and gained some contacts as well as some wonderful advice from Ruth who I'll be in touch with for support on business grants! (Never knew I could apply for things like that)"

Hayley Wills, attendee at the RTC business networking breakfast, 28th March 2022


If you'd like to be notified of our future business events, please signup to our newsletter: http://eepurl.com/hf1w7b

Last updated: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 13:43